Environmental Assessment (EA) and Modelling

Industrial Management & Control

Sparked by new technologies and changing customer behavior, we’re entering an industrial renaissance. As we look to the global post-pandemic recovery and beyond, a series of technological, macroeconomic, societal, and B2B customer trends are both accelerating and converging to create new challenges and opportunities—on an exponentially bigger scale.

Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA)
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMP)
Biodiversity Conservation and Management
Environmental Compliance and Management
Environmental Audit, Cleaner Assessment and Low Carbon Development
Environmental Clearances

Waste Management Plan
Effluent Treatment Plant Management Services ( ETP / CETP )


Economic Zone

Garments and Factories

Textile or Chemical Industry

Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects