Environmental Assessment (EA) and Modelling

Port, Estuary & Inland Navigation

Ports are highly specialized facilities that play a critical role in the global supply chain. The shipping industry is also rapidly evolving as port authorities modernize post infrastructure to enable deeper berths, larger wharves and smarter processing systems. ENRAC employs a cohesive team of experienced engineers, specialists and planners with global expertise and technical excellence across all areas of this specialized field. We work closely with regulators, port authorities, terminal operators and port users to strengthen commercial viability and unlock vital links the transport network. Through the latest digital technologies and smart shipping solutions we are helping port owners transition to a more sustainable future.

Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA)
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMP)
Environmental Monitoring Services (EMS) – Compliance and OHS
Biodiversity Conservation and Management

Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

Topographic Survey

Socioeconomic Survey and Studies

Bathymetry and Hydrological Assessment

Waste Management Plan

Master Plan, Design and Drawing



Inland Water

Ferry and Terminal

Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects